sideways angel model retro kitchen skyline leith distillery yellow submarine the café royal symmetry autumn subsidence alleyn's school on the prom helix jugendstil built for everyone oodi two men caps and lanterns big old africa flint and stone a board church downhill all the way tide at turning point swan downer's school as was in the castle lewes high street roofage a major refurb a summer day flea market world in a ball walkway soon to be obscured living in a greenhouse more dereliction 51 and 37 balance street burslem in venetian style the costly upper floor little moreton hall biddulph grange (1) biddulph grange (2) lichfield cathedral neo-moderne span windsor castle terrace foreshortening trafalgar square platform 8 derry peace bridge alma mater fiona and calum's wedding high water very old glass cracks appear the thames barrier prismatic rustication inside the colosseum