abroad category

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number 35
number 35
very old glass
very old glass
prismatic rustication
prismatic rustication
inside the colosseum
inside the colosseum
fountains of rome
fountains of rome
palazzo farnese
palazzo farnese
giuseppe verdi
giuseppe verdi
holocaust victims
holocaust victims
virtually everywhere you look …
virtually everywhere you look …
pont to the max
pont to the max
part of the forum complex
part of the forum complex
big hand big foot
big hand big foot
about now, four years ago
about now, four years ago
raining in brussels
raining in brussels
ancient and modern
ancient and modern
on schildersstraat
on schildersstraat
antwerp centraal station
antwerp centraal station
three nights in antwerp
three nights in antwerp
no swimming
no swimming
hunger strike for climate change
hunger strike for climate change
sonnenaufgang am see
sonnenaufgang am see
berlin hauptbahnhof
berlin hauptbahnhof
retro german graphics
retro german graphics
am bahnhof
am bahnhof
nazis out
nazis out
bitterfeld markt
bitterfeld markt
piazza san carlo
piazza san carlo
city of trams
city of trams
the beauty of details
the beauty of details
cappella della sacra sindone
cappella della sacra sindone
baroque overload
baroque overload
fiume po
fiume po
the golden box
the golden box
pallazo madama
pallazo madama
le alpi
le alpi
from the air
from the air
casa di chloe
casa di chloe
astrid and her auntie nimms
astrid and her auntie nimms
helene schjerfbeck and linda söber
helene schjerfbeck and linda söber
the baltic sea
the baltic sea
pikk street
pikk street
wifey and empty roads
wifey and empty roads
travelling companions
travelling companions
kadriorg palace
kadriorg palace
raekoja plats
raekoja plats
once a walled city
once a walled city
once a walled city (2)
once a walled city (2)
tallinn view
tallinn view